3-3 Yamanamicho, Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture
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Freshly picked food club cooking class resumes

2024April 17 -

5月13日(月)にとれたて食楽部の お料理教室が再開されます! Honey!ハニー!!のスタッフでも有り、 個人でも料理教室を開催したりもしている 【直ちゃん】こと【鈴木直代】さんが講師となり 旬の食材、地元の美味しい物をたっぷり使用した レシピを教えてくれる『七福クッキング』 献立は開催日近く、ギリギリまで食材を見極めてから 決めるため当日のお楽しみとしてください(´▽`*) #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #お知らせ #料理教室 #とれたて食楽部のお料理教室 #七福クッキング #旬の野菜を食べよう #心と身体が喜ぶ料理 #参加者募集 #先着です #お楽しみ献立Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


【Urgent Recruitment】Staff Recruitment


【急募】とれたて食楽部で一緒に働くパートスタッフを募集中です!! ◎仕事内容◎ 直売所・銘品館きんもくせいのレジ、接客、商品包装等の業務 その他開店前の清掃、閉店後の片づけ等の業務 ◎勤務時間◎ 8時~17時 又は 9時~18時(応相談) ◎時給◎ 1200円 ◎条件◎ 高校生以上 長期勤務出来る方 フルタイム勤務出来る方 週5日勤務出来る方 スーパー等の接客業経験者、商品包装経験者優遇いたします ◎備考◎ 駐車場有り、交通費支給(上限有り) ◆お申し込みは下記の応募フォーム又は直接お電話ください。 0538-41-1100 お問い合わせは採用担当の村松まで #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #スタッフ募集 #求人 #急募 #一緒に働きませんか #応募お待ちしていますLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Collect stickers and get prizes

2024April 6 -

Starting today [Life Support Goods Get Campaign] We will give you a campaign sticker for every 1,000 yen you spend If you collect stickers, you can exchange them for prizes that will enrich your life a little(*´▽`*) Depending on the prize, there are prizes that can be purchased by exchanging only the sticker or by paying for the sticker, so for details, please see ★★ the in-store poster and the prize on display in the store Let's collect stickers! A great deal for customers who are thinking! !! During the campaign period, if you use the electronic money [LienCard] of the freshly picked food club, you will receive twice as many stickers! ◎ Normally, there is 1 sticker for every 1000 yen, but if you pay with LienCard, you will get 2 stickers, if you pay 2000 yen, you will get 4 stickers, if you pay 3000 yen, etc., you will accumulate stickers quickly.(^O^)/ * Prize exchange days will be June 1 (Sat) and 2 (Sun) for two days, 9 a.m. ~ 5 p.m. #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #イベント #キャンペーン #お知らせ #生活応援キャンペーン #キャンペーンシールを集めてね #お得に景品ゲットしようLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Childcare Incentive Card


Households with children under the age of 18 can use [Shizuoka Childcare Preferential Card] (Childcare Support Passport) Various "support services" are offered at various stores, and at the Freshly Picked Food Club, we will present one bag of [dried fruits or vegetables] made in the store by presenting a receipt worth a total of 10,000 yen or more. When seasonal fruits and vegetables are fresh and delicious, no sugar is added, and they are dried in the store's drying room, so you can enjoy the taste of fruits and vegetables. Not only can it be used for children's snacks and baby food, but it is also recommended for making bread and sweets(*´▽`*) #Freshly picked food club #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #子育て優待カード #子育て支援パスポート #応援サービス #ドライフルーツ #ドライベジタブル #プレゼント #静岡製機の電気乾燥庫Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


We are still looking for LINE friends


The number of registered LINE friends is 2225! There are a lot of people who are blocked, so the actual number is a little smaller, but I'm still happy that nearly 2,000 people have registered as friends.(≧▽≦) But we're still looking for friends! Please scan the QR code or search for it in @580hokiv. The LINE official of the Torete Shokuraku Club mainly distributes announcements of the month's schedules and events, but on days like today, when it continues to rain from the morning, we also distribute [Rainy Day 2 Discount Coupon], which allows you to save a little on lunch boxes and other rice items. With the cooperation of producers Mr./Ms. who ship rice, we were able to get 2 discounts on rainy days. Don't you think that 2 discounts on bento boxes, red rice, and rice balls is a pretty good deal! The time may be slightly different because it will be decided whether it will be delivered or not at 9 a.m., but if it is raining at 9 a.m., please check the [Rainy Day Coupon] from LINE's rich menu. * Rainy day coupons can be used from 9 a.m. ~ 2 p.m. Also, LINE shop cards are also a great deal! Get points just by scanning the dedicated QR code for each visit! If you accumulate 30 points, you will receive ♪ a 200 yen discount coupon * The shop card expires 3 months from the date of issue. * The exchange period for cards with accumulated points is one month. Let's get a little bit out of your daily shopping(^O^)/ #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #お知らせ #お願い #LINE公式 #友達募集中 #お得情報 #雨の日クーポン #ショップカード #ご利用ください! LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Today and tomorrow LienCard registration campaign

2023November 4 -

Today and tomorrow, we will hold a registration campaign for the e-money [LienCard] of the Freshly Picked Food Club If you register today or tomorrow, the registration fee of 100 yen is free! In addition, we will give you a calendar with a coupon for next year.  ↑ If you use this calendar with coupon every month, you can save 2400 yen per year(≧▽≦)! Even if you already have a LienCard, you can get a calendar with a coupon if you charge 5,000 yen or more at a time today or tomorrow and present the receipt from the charging machine at the campaign venue! ★ And then there's the 4-day limited event! Present the receipt of your purchase using LienCard between 9 a.m. ~ 5 p.m. on the 4th and challenge the dice Zorro Eye Challenge! ◎ Roll 2 dice, and if you get a Zoro eye of (1), you will get 5 tangerines If you get a Zoro eye other than (1), you will get 2 tangerines Even if you don't get a Zoro roll, you will get candy! You can challenge it regardless of the purchase price, so please stop by by(*´▽`*)♪ #とれたて食楽部#袋井市#農産物直売所#イベント#お知らせ#LienCard#リアンカード#お得#クーポン付きカレンダープレゼント#サイコロ抽選会Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


About invoice support from tomorrow

2023September 30 -

The application of the invoice system will finally start tomorrow. As for the freshly picked food club, the taxation mark [section] is displayed on the top of the barcode sticker on the products of producers Mr./Ms. of taxable businesses who have registered invoices, making it easy to understand when shopping. If you want to know whether a product without a barcode sticker is taxable or exempt, please feel free to ask the staff and we will confirm it immediately. The breakdown of taxes and exemptions will also be displayed on the receipt, so if you are purchasing vegetables and fruits at the Freshly Picked Food Club, please make a final confirmation with the receipt. #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #お知らせ #インボイス制度 #対応のお知らせLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


The deadline for the giveaway exchange is approaching!

2023September 9 -

The deadline for exchanging prizes for the Lian Card campaign, which was held throughout August, is until September 11 (Monday)! Many people have come to exchange prizes, so the types of prizes that can be exchanged are also decreasing. The prizes that can be exchanged now are a silicone steamer, a sekisonroku cooker set (slicer set), a Kai diamond sharpener, Mr./Ms. Akahori's egg, rice oil, kame pon & good vinegar mini bottle set, rice set, wet sheet, sponge set, and mokomoko cloth. * Regarding back-ordered products, we will order them if you apply within the 11th (Monday). #とれたて食楽部#袋井市#農産物直売所#お知らせ#liencard#リアンカード#キャンペーン#景品交換#締め切り間近#お早めにLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Yumepirika brown rice is a bargain!

2023September 8, 2008

The rice [Yumepirika] is sent directly from the producer Mr./Ms. in Hokkaido, but new rice will be sent at the end of next week, so we will sell a limited quantity of last year's Yumepilika brown rice currently stored in the freshly picked food club at a low price! ≪ 2022 Yumepilika Brown Rice 30kg 1 bag ≫ Normally 13500 yen will be sold for ≪6 bags limited to ≫ [11700 yen]! * Please note that the price of Yumepilika brown rice sold by weight has not changed at this time. #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #お知らせ #お得情報 #お米 #米北海道米 #生産者直送 #ゆめぴりか #ゆめぴりか玄米 #2022年度米 #数量限定 #早い者勝ちLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Fukuroi support

2023August 23 -

August 25 (Fri) ~ December 15 (Fri) You can also use both A and B tickets at the Freshly Picked Food Club [Fukuroi Support Gift Certificates]! #とれたて食楽部#袋井市#農産物直売所#お知らせ#ふくろい応援商品券#第4弾#A券#B券#AもBも使えますLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.