3-3 Yamanamicho, Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture
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Bustling Zone


Recommended products of the person in charge of meat


帰りが遅くなった日や疲れが溜まっておかずを作る気力が湧かない時に、お肉コーナー担当者がおススメする一品 浜松市の豚肉専門店【とんきい】さんの豚肉で作られたハンバーグと鶏肉やウインナー等を出荷している【まんさく工房 玉澤】さんのオリジナルオニオンソース。 ハンバーグを湯煎してオニオンソースをかけるだけ。 レタスとトマトのサラダを付ければ立派な夕ご飯のおかずになっちゃいます。 手を抜いてもちゃんとした美味しい物が食べられる幸せ(*´▽`*) 毎日暑いし、疲れも貯まるし、たまには手を抜いても大丈夫!! #とれたて食楽部#袋井市#農産物直売所#旬鮮旬食#美味しい物#とんきい#豚屋とんきい#とんきいハンバーグ#豚肉のハンバーグ#まんさく工房#玉澤#オニオンソース#疲れた日の夕飯におすすめ#たまには手抜きもOKLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Why don't you make bota mochi

2023March 17 -

March 18th (Sat) ~ 24th (Fri) is Ohigan Why don't you make peony mochi by hand as an offering for Ohigan? The bean paste cooked by yourself from red beans is exceptionally delicious because you can make it to your liking in terms of sweetness and strain.( *'艸') It's hard to cook it yourself... For those who say, rest assured that a lot of Onuma bean paste Mr./Ms. and Fujikado Mr./Ms.'s bean paste will also be shipped. Ohigan is said to be a day to honor ancestors and remember those who have passed away, but the day of the spring equinox, which is the middle day of spring, is a holiday to "praise nature and have compassion for living things." It would be nice if you could be grateful and compassionate not only for your ancestors, but also for nature, animals and plants. #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #季節の行事 #お彼岸 #春のお彼岸 #お供え #ぼた餅 #牡丹餅 #ぼたもち #餡子 #あんこ #ぼた餅作ってみませんか #小沼製餡所 #藤花堂 #感謝Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Stump stool


Recommended for interiors! Various sizes!! The stump corner is now available! For flower stands and interiors... Large stumps can also be used for stools and side tables.(^^)/ How you use it is up to you? More to come! Please stop by the store when shopping. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

New Year's mochi corner

2022December 26 -

We have a variety of kagami mochi, navel mochi, cut mochi, ohataki mochi, and mochi that are indispensable for the New Year. Kagami mochi is the final shipment of what we have now! Offerings should be made by the 30th (except the 29th) #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #お餅コーナー #鏡餅 #へそ餅 #切り餅 #おはたき餅 #お正月の準備はお早めに #お忘れなくLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Raamen Food Club

2022November 25 -

[Ramen Shokuraku Club], which has a lot of bag noodles, is now available for one month only. Fujiwara Seimen Mr./Ms., which is headquartered in Hokkaido, is popular for its two-night dried noodle series, which is made by slowly drying raw noodles over two days. There are also dry noodles for hot pots without soup! On a cold day, it's good to eat hot ramen with everyone(*^▽^*)! #とれたて食楽部#袋井市#農産物直売所#藤原製?#Ramen #Ramen #Ramen #Raamen Shokuraku Club #Food Typhoon #Event Corner #Bag Noodles #Dry Noodles #Two Night Dried?#raw?Texture # Just like raw?#Yamatobi #Yoshiyama Shoten #Rokkakuya #Sandaime Tsukimiken #Niboshi Ramen #Sapporo Miso #Asahikawa Soy Sauce #Kushiro Soy Sauce #Hakodate Salt #Nabe〆 Masu! Ramen #Cold Day Kore LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Popular pickle corner

2022November 21 -

Freshly picked food club popular pickle corner Pickled plums pickled in their own garden Bran pickles and shallow pickles using carefully selected local and domestic vegetables Kimchi pickled by a mother from Korea Mr./Ms. etc. There is also the fun of finding your own taste, so please try various things(*^▽^*) #Freshly Picked Food Club#Fukuroi City#Farmers' Market#Seasonal Seasonal Food#Local Vegetables#Domestic Vegetables#Pickles#Pickled Plums#Bran-Pickled#Asazuke#Kimchi-Pickled#Popular Corners#Favorite Flavors#Fun to FindLanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

モカラ カヌレ

Mokara Kanele

2022November 16, 2008

Join us today! Mr./Ms.'s canele(*^^*) The bittersweet taste on the outside and the moist sweet ~ luxurious taste on the inside! It is on sale in the bustle zone(^_^)/Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.



2022September 29 -

Blue Bird Ranch Mr./Ms.'s shipment [Hamakita Cochin] is increasing in limited quantities! If you like rich and rich Cochin eggs, do so as soon as possible! (Hamakita Cochin is a Nagoya breed of chicken raised in Hamakita) Fresh eggs shipped to the Shokuraku Club are delicious and recommended for egg-covered rice. Why don't you eat such delicious eggs at [Otamahan] shipped by Blue Bird Ranch Mr./Ms.? There are two types of Kanto-style with less sweetness and Kansai-style with a little sweetness#とれたて食楽部#袋井市#農産物直売所#磐田市の卵#たまご屋#青い鳥牧場#こだわり卵#名古屋コーチン#浜北コーチン#さくら卵アローカナ#赤卵#濃厚#美味しい#新鮮#卵かけご飯#TKG#おたまはん#卵かけご飯専用#関東風#関西風#味も違いも楽しんでLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

ゆらゴールド みかん

Yura Gold Tangerine

2022September 28 -

Hamamatsu City Mr./Ms. Hakamada's early maturing mandarin orange [Yura Gold] shipment has begun! It has a strong taste and a good balance of acidity and sweetness(^_^)/ It is said that tangerines with bumpy skin are called "chrysanthemum oranges", and it is said that it is a proof of delicious Yura Gold! Please use it as a guide when choosing(*^^*) Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Bottle Flower


Mr./Ms. Aoki's ≪ Bottle Flower≫ A new product was shipped the other day, and it has a gorgeous atmosphere. Silica gel is used to make dried flowers in a short period of time, so the color of the flowers remains bright. Because we use recycled bottles and glasses, there are various shapes and it is fun to choose(*´▽`*)♪ #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #ドライフラワー #ボトルフラワー #花の色そのまま #シリカゲルで乾燥Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.