On Tuesday the 12th, we regularly deliver freshly picked vegetables and fruits from the producers of the food club to #ゆうあい酵素 to Yuai Enzyme's [THE Fermentation Lab] in Hamamatsu on #研修旅行 of #とれたて食楽部. Fresh vegetables and fruits are combined with organic brown sugar to produce raw enzymes that have been carefully aged over a period of three years. It seems that when the enzymes in the body decrease, it causes various disorders, so it is better to eat too much, refrain from eating too fast, fried foods, and sweets, eat fresh raw vegetables, fruits, and fermented foods, and try to get a good night's sleep. After all, lunch is at #とんきい-san, #ランチバイキング Tonkii's unique buffet is very good with ham, hamburger steak, and minced cutlets. The salad is also super satisfying with plenty of fresh vegetables. At the vineyard of Mr. Kageyama, a grape producer, we were able to sample ripe BK seedless, and at #シャインマスカット狩り, each person can choose two bunches by themselves and take them home. It was a good time to listen to the story of the grapes that Mr. Kageyama makes. Finally, go to #エアパーク and have a good time. Is it for kids? What do you think? I thought, but I enjoyed it more than I expected!.. Read more
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