3-3 Yamanamicho, Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture
▼ For inquiries ▼



This is a preferential facility for JAF members


とれたて食楽部は、JAFの会員優待施設として登録されています。 これまでは西村農園さんの和紅茶1パックを景品としてお渡ししていましたが、 現在の在庫がなくなり次第とれたて食楽部店内で作っていドライフルーツのお渡しに変更となります。 フレッシュなフルーツを美味しい時期に店内の乾燥庫でしっかり乾燥させているので、噛めば噛む程美味しさが感じられます。 ※ドライフルーツの内容は時期によって異なります。 ◎西村農園さんの和紅茶は直売所及び銘品館きんもくせいにて販売中です!Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Come and check the announcement of the New Year's gift winner!

2025January 13, 2008

11日(土)に【お年玉抽選】の当選者が発表になっていますよ!! 景品引換えは2月11日(火・祝)までとなりますのでお早めに受け取りにいらして下さいねLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Calendar with coupons

2024November 2 -

今日から始まったLienCardキャンペーン LienCard新規登録または一度に3000円以上チャージすると、2025年のクーポン付きカレンダーが貰えます。 ワンパンで出来る簡単レシピ付き! 先着500名までとなりますのでお早めに!! ※キャンペーン会場でのお渡しは今日明日の9時~17時までですが、時間外の場合は事務所にて対応致します。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Notice about Crown Melon

2024In October, 4.

メロー静岡さんから出荷されている袋井市特産のクラウンメロン 夏の天候等の影響もあり、現在大きな玉のメロンを定期的に出荷することが出来ないそう。 当面は写真のような2500円の小ぶりでお手頃価格なクラウンメロンが出荷される事となっています。 こちらのメロンをご購入の場合、箱代はサービスとさせていただきますが、手提げ袋は有料となります。 これまでのような5400円以上のクラウンメロンをご希望の場合、注文を承る事は可能ですが、入荷日の指定をする事が出来ませんのでご了承くださいませ。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Fireworks viewing tickets are sold out

2024July 5 -

All fireworks viewing tickets sold at the freshly picked food club were sold out. Thank you to everyone who purchased! LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Fireworks Festival Ticket Sales Status

2024June 24 -

★ Sales status ★ of fireworks viewing tickets in Fukuroi Enshu ◎ Block seats and family seats are sold out both for store sales and online special site sales. ◆ There are a total of 43 chair seats left on the online special site will be on sale until 8 a.m. on Thursday, July 11.  Many people purchase it in July, so if you are considering it, please do so as soon as possible! #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #静岡県の直売所 #お知らせ #ふくろい遠州の花火 #花火観覧チケット #販売状況 #イス席まだ買えます #ブロック席完売 #ファミリー席完売 #悩んでいる方はお早めに! LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Fireworks Festival Ticket Sales Status

2024June 17, 2008

As for the sales status of fireworks viewing tickets in Fukuroi Enshu, ◎ Masterpiece Museum Kinmokusei sales ◎ Block seats: 1 seat left Family seats: 2 sets left Chair seats: 12 seats left ◎ Special site ◎ Block seats: Sold out Family seats: Sold out Chair seats: 45 seats left The remaining tickets are running low, so please purchase as soon as possible. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


About Fukuroi Enshu fireworks ticket sales


It has been decided that the Freshly Picked Food Club will sell tickets for "Fukuroi Enshu Fireworks" again this year. ★ Fireworks display date: ★ Saturday, July 27 (postponed to the 28th in case of stormy weather) ◆ Ticket sales will start at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 15, both at the Meihin Museum Kinmokusei store and online. Click here for the fireworks ticket special site of the Freshly Eaten Food Club (currently under maintenance) ↓ ◆ Tickets handled at the freshly picked food club ・ Chair seats in A~D block (7000 yen / 1 person) ・ Block seats (5000 yen / 1 person) ・ Family seats (22000 yen / set of 4) (Family seats can be used by up to 4 people as many as you like) ◆ For more information on the fireworks in Fukuroi Enshu, please check the official website. ≪ Notes≫ * You cannot choose your seat. We will adjust in the order of application. * One ticket is required for each age of 3 and older. Free above the knee for children under 2 years old. * In case of stormy weather, it will be postponed to 7/28 (Sunday). Refunds are available only in the event of cancellation on both 7/27 and 7/28. (Cancellations due to personal reasons cannot be refunded) * If you wish to ship your ticket, it will be by cash on delivery at the post office. * Tickets will be shipped on the weekend following the week of application, so it may take up to 2 weeks to ship. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Freshly picked food club cooking class resumes

2024On April 17.

On Monday, May 13th, the cooking class of the freshly picked food club will resume! Honey! Honey!! "Nanafuku Cooking" will teach you the recipe using plenty of seasonal ingredients and delicious local ingredients, and the menu will be near the day of the event, and you will be able to decide after assessing the ingredients until the last minute, so please enjoy it Mr./Ms.(´▽`*) #Freshly picked food club #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #お知らせ #料理教室 #とれたて食楽部のお料理教室 #七福クッキング #旬の野菜を食べよう #心と身体が喜ぶ料理 #参加者募集 #先着です #お楽しみ献立Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


【Urgent Recruitment】Staff Recruitment


We are looking for part-time staff to work with us in the freshly picked food club! ◎ Job description ◎ Cash register, customer service, product packaging, etc. at direct sales offices and famous stores Other tasks such as cleaning before opening and cleaning up after closing ◎ Working hours ◎ 8 o'clock ~ 17 o'clock or 9 o'clock ~ 18 o'clock (negotiable) ◎ Hourly wage ◎ 1200 yen ◎ Conditions ◎ High school students and above Those who can work for a long time Those who can work full-time Those who can work 5 days a week Those who have experience in the hospitality industry such as supermarkets and those who have experience in product packaging are preferred. ◎ Remarks ◎ There is a parking lot, Transportation expenses (there is a limit) ◆ To apply, please use the application form below or call us directly. 0538-41-1100 For inquiries, please contact Muramatsu, who #とれたて食楽部 #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #スタッフ募集 #求人 #急募 #一緒に働きませんか #応募お待ちしていますLanguageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました in charge of recruitment. Please note that it may differ from the original content.