2023January 26, 2010

Producer'sDried radishShipments of


Compared to raw daikon, dried radish has a sweeter and more concentrated flavor.

Because calcium, potassium, folic acid, and dietary fiber are greatly increased,
Ingredients that children and pregnant women should especially eat well

After washing it quickly, you can put it back in water and make it into a salad as it is,
If you add it without returning it to the miso soup, you can also get the soup stock from the dried radish.
When added, the flavor increases and becomes delicious.(*'*)

Use the returned dried radish for yakisoba style or spaghetti style
It's healthy and delicious.

#Freshly Eaten Food Club #袋井市 #農産物直売所 #旬 #旬の野菜 #旬の食材 #切干大根 #大根 #冬野菜 #食べ方 #おススメ