2021July 19 -

Also this yearAozora Nature Farm's
Micro Cucumberhas been shipped


Micro cucumbers have a slight sour taste
Even if you eat it as it is, it will be an accent such as salad
It seems that if you make it into pickles, it will taste more delicious.

Just add laurier or grain pepper to your favorite pickle liquid and pickle it.
It is also recommended for appetite improvement in summer(^O^)/

Please try the whole mini carrot that is now being shipped with you.

#Freshly Caught Shokuraku Club #Fukuroi City #Direct Sale Office #Agricultural Products Direct Market #Aozora Nature Farm #Kakegawa City Production#No Chemical Fertilizers#No Pesticides#Micro Cucumbers#Lime Cucumbers#Carrots#Carrots#Pickles#Fatigue Recovery#Summer Recommendations